I am going to attempt to write a more personal entry with this one, and not be overly influenced by the fact that I am posting this entry in the public arena.

I am by nature a voyeur.  I watch.  I observe.  I do not judge, because of this.  One who truly wants to see the beauty in others, generally has a hard time judging those lovely players.  I have spent my whole life watching, eagerly trying to understand motives, emotions, foundations, and of course neurosis.  I rant on about this because it is so much a part of what I do as an artist.

What I have done as a professional, is a bit of it all:  commercial, portrait, art, and lots of weddings.  I might note that weddings for me, incorporate all of the things I love about good photography.  I have seen so many things in my ten years of shooting wedding; so many beautiful ideas, amazing flowers, small details, and romantic gestures.  My memory bank is a planet of images that have truly moved and touched me from the different weddings that I have shot.

So, what does a wedding artist do when she gets engaged?  Well, I got engaged a in May of 09.  After a few months of crazed, anxious thoughts…..this artist is not having a wedding.  I feel that some people might think this is because I have some contempt for the process.  Not so.  I have seen so many glorious moments, that it would be too abounding for me to attempt to plan my own event.  So, to you, past brides that I have watched live out their most special day, thank you for satiating my mind with your beautiful visions.  I’ll keep them with me, and I’ll celebrate my day in Costa Rica with the man of my dreams. 


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