Erin & Sledge | Atlanta Engagement Session

Erin and Sledge are a gorgeous couple, inside and out. They are fun-loving, and really shine together. I had so much fun with them on our Atlanta engagement session. We bounced around to three different locations that I had scouted out for us, and I love every single image from the day.
While picking Erin’s brain about the upcoming shoot, she mentioned that she has a love of swing sets. Being a regular photographer at The High Museum of Art I knew that they had an interactive display in the main plaza at the time. A set up of about 100 swings! Perfect!
I adore this shot of Sledge leaping in the air. I feel like it really shows his lovely exuberance for life.
I also adore this gorgeous couple with a brilliant William Massey installation on the Beltline. Perfectly beautiful.